Kevin Keomanee-Dizon

I am a physicist and member of the technical staff at Kanvas Biosciences, a biotechnology startup in New Jersey.

Before joining Kanvas, I was a Robert H. Dicke Fellow in Experimental Physics and Fellow of the Center for the Physics of Biological Function at Princeton University. I received a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 2021.

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I'm interested in pushing the boundaries of optics to advance both basic science and translational research. Recent projects focus on inventing and refining microscope technologies to explore the universe within complex living systems, from the dynamics of single molecules to computation in the brain. Some favorite papers are highlighted.

Number neurons in larval zebrafish develop early, in an ordinal fashion with age
P Luu, A Nadtochiy, M Zanon, N Moreno, A Messina, ME Miletto Petrazzini, JV Torres-Perez, K Keomanee-Dizon, M Jones, CH Brennan, G Vallortigara, TV Truong, SE Fraser, TV Truong
bioRxiv:2024.08.30.610552 (2024)

By applying two-photon light-sheet microscopy with visual stimuli to larval zebrafish, we map whole-brain activity at cellular resolution and trace the early emergence of "number neurons," revealing that the dynamics of neural networks can encode computation and abstract cognition in the brain.

Extended depth-of-field light-sheet microscopy at high numerical aperture
K Keomanee-Dizon, M Jones, P Luu, SE Fraser, TV Truong
Applied Physics Letters 121, 163701 (2022)
arXiv:2206.00141 (2022)

We present a light-sheet approach that maximizes photon collection, and document that this improves the signal-to-noise ratio and volumetric coverage. Our method uses a pupil phase mask to extend the detection depth of field to match the thickness of the illumination light sheet, thereby collecting as useful signal the fluorescence photons that would otherwise be lost or appear as SNR-destroying background.

A single-shot hyperspectral phasor camera for fast, multicolor fluorescence microscopy
P Wang, M Kitano, K Keomanee-Dizon, TV Truong, SE Fraser, F Cutrale
Cell Reports Methods 3, 100441 (2023)
Nature Methods Research Highlight  |  USC News  |  |  Research Square (2022)

A Fourier transform-based method for snapshot hyperspectral imaging enables photon-efficient and fast fluorescence multiplexing, even in low signal-to-noise conditions.

Single-objective selective-volume illumination microscopy
S Madaan*, K Keomanee-Dizon*, M Jones, C Zhong, A Nadtochiy, P Luu, SE Fraser, TV Truong
Optics Letters 46, 2860-2863 (2021)
NASA's JPL 2020 Technology Highlights  |  12th Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference 2020  |  arXiv:2010.0644 (2020)

We adapt selective-volume illumination microscopy (SVIM) to a single-objective geometry, using an oblique one-photon illumination path or two-photon excitation to enable high-contrast light-field imaging.

This technology is liscensed to ZEISS.

A versatile, multi-laser twin-microscope system for light-sheet imaging
K Keomanee-Dizon, SE Fraser, TV Truong
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 053703 (2020)
bioRxiv:801688 (2019)

We present the design and construction of an instrument with two independently controlled light-sheet microscope-twins sharing the same multi-laser source, dramatically cutting the cost of the system. We image a variety of specimens, demonstrating instrument versatility and application-specific customization.

This technology is serving researchers at the USC Translational Imaging Center, and has also been adopted by research groups throughout the U.S.

Light-field-based selective-volume illumination microscopy
TV Truong1, DB Holland1, S Madaan1, A Andreev*, K Keomanee-Dizon*, JV Troll, DES Koo, M McFall-Ngai, SE Fraser
Communications Biology 3, 1-8 (2020)
Nature Methods In Brief  |  bioRxiv:403303 (2018)

We introduce SVIM, combining the high-contrast associated with light-sheet microscopy and the high-synchronous volumetric acquisition rates of light-field microscopy (limited only by the detector and available signal).

This technology is liscensed to ZEISS.

High-throughput imaging and analysis of circulating tumor cells
K Keomanee-Dizon, S Shishido, P Kuhn
Tumor Liquid Biopsies, F Schaffner, JL Merlin, NV Bubnoff, editors, 89-104 (Springer, 2019)

We discuss progress in methods to measure circulating tumor cells, the hematogenous phase of cancer, and we highlight some initial applications, as well as its performance in early-stage diagnosis and treatment monitoring.

Four-dimensional heterogeneity of fluid phase biopsies in cancer
A Calrsson*, P Kuhn*, M Luttgen, K Keomanee-Dizon, P Troncoso, P Corn, A Kolatkar, JB Hicks, CJ Logothetis, AJ Zurita
Clinical Cancer Research 23, 1722-1732 (2017)
Nature Reviews Urology Research Highlight

We chracterize tumor cells in the fluid phase of blood and bone metastases, revealing new insights into their biophysical properties and clinical potential.

Super-resolution imaging in live animals
H Zhan, R Stanciauskas, C Stigloher, K Keomanee-Dizon, M Jospin, JL Bessereau, F Pinaud
Nature Communications 5, 4974 (2014)
Nature Methods Methods in Brief  |  BioPhotonics Research Highlight

We use split-fluoresent proteins and their activation by complementary synthetic peptides to localize indivdual molecules and track their diffusion with a precision of 30 nm, directly in live animals.

Advanced Microscopy and Image Processing for Living Systems (ECE 552)
Princeton University, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Guest Lecturer, Fall 2022-23
Physics of Life Summer School
Princeton University, Center for the Physics of Biological Function
Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Summers 2022-23
Biophysics (PHY 562)
Princeton University, Physics Department
Assistant Instructor, Spring 2023
Physical Biology: From Molecules to Cells (PHYS 444)
University of Southern California, Physics & Astronomy Department
Guest Lecturer, Fall 2019
19th Annual International Summer School on Adaptive Optics
University of California at Santa Cruz, Center for Adaptive Optics
Laboratory Instructor, Summer 2019

Good artists copy.